Maximizing Your Cloud Storage Experience

IfyouwanttousefileswhenofflineyouwillneedtouseQsyncorDriveapp.ThisworksthesamewayDropboxapp.Selectedfolderwillbeinstantly ...,2023年10月19日—dropbox-likeexperiencewithSynology?NASApps.I'mworkingasaphotographerandhaveuseddropboxuntilnowforcloudsto...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Dropbox Alternative

If you want to use files when offline you will need to use Qsync or Drive app. This works the same way Dropbox app. Selected folder will be instantly ...


2023年10月19日 — dropbox-like experience with Synology? NAS Apps. I'm working as a photographer and have used dropbox until now for cloud storage (unlimited plan) ...

Is Synology Drive a good alternative for Dropbox?

2023年10月30日 — I've switched from Dropbox to Synology drive two years ago. It's much better than the Dropbox. btw. DS1621+ is one of two best NAS from Synology ...

Synology Cloud Station as DIY Dropbox Alternative

2015年3月30日 — It functions a bit like Dropbox. You point it at some directories on the Synology and it looks for changes and notifies clients when they need ...

Synology Cloud Sync Dropbox Business [How + Best ...

At this time, you may try another free cloud-managing service, MultCloud, to sync Dropbox Business with Synology. MultCloud is the best alternative to Synology ...

Synology disk station as local dropbox alternative

2021年9月6日 — Does anyone know if and how I could use my Synology disk-station as a kind of local dropbox server, i.e. I have a folder that is always ...

Synology Drive vs Dropbox

2021年8月12日 — Dropbox seems to increase their prices at a faster pace than I'm accustomed to, so I've thought about switching to Synology Drive. Is sync'ing ...

Synology offers a Dropbox substitute—meet the personal ...

2014年4月1日 — Synology's service functions largely work like a Dropbox clone, except you get to run both the server and the client. Once you set it up on one ...

Using Synology to replace Dropbox or other cloud server

2019年1月19日 — I'd like to start using the NAS to provide access to shared docs for images, videos, etc that we have historically used Dropbox.


IfyouwanttousefileswhenofflineyouwillneedtouseQsyncorDriveapp.ThisworksthesamewayDropboxapp.Selectedfolderwillbeinstantly ...,2023年10月19日—dropbox-likeexperiencewithSynology?NASApps.I'mworkingasaphotographerandhaveuseddropboxuntilnowforcloudstorage(unlimitedplan) ...,2023年10月30日—I'veswitchedfromDropboxtoSynologydrivetwoyearsago.It'smuchbetterthantheDropbox.btw.DS1621+isoneoftwobestNASfrom...